
Middle Way Forest Farm was founded in 2015 as a culmination of over a decade of dreaming and a lot of hard work.

Nestled in a mountain cove, overlooking surrounding farm country, we sit on 5 acres consisting of native hard woods, a year round flowing creek trickling down from the nearby national forest, a rolling hilltop pasture, and a 1940s farm house tucked into a pine grove.

The long term vision is to become a permanent food forest garden and experimental permaculture site. We hope to become a sizable enough operation over the years to come that, beyond providing for our own family, we will also be able to contribute more food sustainability and security to our local community. We also aim to become an educational space to host others willing and desiring to lend a hand in helping make the world a healthier place via restoration agriculture, alternative energy production, sustainable building techniques, alternative commerce, and of course sharing in this learning experience with us.

Stay tuned here as we chronicle our goings on.


Sept 2015 - James and Ellen on BRPW

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